01223 560293 or 07768 705905 info@aandemarquees.co.uk

Hire Booking Form

To book please read and accept our terms and conditions.

Either print and compete this hire form and conditions and send it to us at 46 Stretten Avenue CAMBRIDGE CB4 3EP, or alternatively complete this online form to accept our previously submitted quote.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Company Name

    Your Company Reg No

    Your Ref No(required)

    Your Invoice Address

    Your Email (required)

    Your contact telephone number

    Our Quote(required)

    Date of Event(required)

    Location of Event(required)

    Site Contacts

    What have you paid so far?

    I/We have seen and accept the terms and conditions of A&E Marquees Ltd and are hereby entering a contractual agreement


    Name of person agreeing to Terms and Conditions(required)

    Today's date(required)

    Any further message.